Saturday, 7 March 2009

I've upgraded my Ning Membership

Just to let you know, you can advertise in the blogs and in the forums for free to your hearts content, I have some new rules, as people that pay for upgrades often do, they are at the top.

There should be some other cool updates happening soon, I'll let you know once I have all the details sorted.

Ning Nomads has a steadily growing group base which is cool, gives me time to mingle, which is what networking is really about.

Ning Nomads

Other news - fitby40 - okay I cheated the other day and ate a bag of sweeties - broke my tooth as punishment - I will do an updated video once my tooth is fixed or extracted or whatever my new dentist has planned for it :-(

It's why i gave myself a 3 year window for this healthy thing - this broken tooth can be the reminder of why I need to sort my diet out pronto!

Posted via web from lemonknickers' posterous

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