Friday 29 August 2008

Thinking postive - open your mind

The Benefits Of Moving Along The Road To Success

Continually creating and using empowering messages such as, "I Can and I Will succeed," "I Can and I Will produce healthy, harmonious beliefs and behaviors" will make you realize that you actively choose your own alternatives in life. When you become more self-determined, accepting and more responsible, you experience the freedom to choose alternatives that will move you forward in overcoming self-defeating behaviors that prevent you from the success you aspire. Empowering messages create the inner strength and determination to remove self-sabotaging thoughts and beliefs from consciousness.

Believe in destiny, and believe that your decisions spring from your inner depths, your "will" to succeed. You determine your destiny just as you create the path that brings you toward self fulfillment. Trusting yourself to make the decision to overcome your self-defeating behaviors is a courageous event. It demands that you take personal responsibility for yourself. Becoming self-responsible assists you in overcoming your resistance to growth. Move forward on your path to success. Use the knowledge from your past experiences to make a conscious decision to change your behavior and communication. Begin to explore the core of your inner self. Decide to take positive action and overcome resistance and obstacles to growth.

Now you have the best of both worlds. Believing that you have the power and option to move forward in overcoming your self-defeating behaviors will give you the freedom to choose your own destiny. Making decisions based on empowering messages from within yourself prevents you from driving the wrong way down a one-way street, or reaching a dead-end in a personal or professional relationship.

To live in a way that is deeply satisfying for you is to begin your journey into the “self”. Your personal journey into selfhood is called individuation, a process whereby you establish your identity as a self-determining person. Your self-determination empowers and enables you to overcome resistance. Self-determining individuals use their inner strengths and resources to create healthy beliefs, behaviors, and emotions to experience life's abundance.

When you're self-confident, you accept yourself, and others, unconditionally. Your self confidence and self-determination assist you in finding the right mental and emotional balance to create truly productive and successful relationships. These precious resources help you overcome resistance to growth to ensure your development of positive self-esteem.

As you move along your road to success you're more fully able to respect and trust yourself, becoming more responsible for your decisions and your life. Becoming aware of, and sensitive to, your inner feelings, and the feelings of others, is a movement toward personal fulfillment and maturity. When you understand that maturity is accepting others for who they are, and accepting yourself for who you are, you're able to overcome resistances to growth.

Begin now and develop your attitude of complete acceptance. This new awareness of unconditional acceptance facilitates a dynamic process through which we awaken and affirm ourselves, giving new meaning to our relationships with others.


About Ian del Carmen:

Ian del Carmen is the president and CEO of Fireball Planet Corporation.

Check out his blog at Or visit Fireball Planet at

The authors and publishers of this information and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this article. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this article. The information contained on this page is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this article, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Acceptance is very important to respect and appreciate yourself. You are who you are, you have to accept it. But, you have to work constantly to develop the best of you.

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